For someone with alopecia, wigs can boost confidence, reduce anxiety, and be a fun way to change up your look!

However there are challenges faced by the alopecia community when it comes to purchasing a wig, including high costs- sometimes for a lifetime- and a lack of insurance coverage to lessen that financial burden. A 2020 study by Mesinkovska et al. showed that participants with alopecia areata spend an average of $2211 per year on wigs, weaves, or hairpieces, and an average of 10-14 hours per week concealing their hair loss. When treatments fail, many rely on wigs to help manage the psychosocial impacts of alopecia areata (Montgomery et al., 2017).

We’re working towards improving insurance coverage so you can have access to wigs and hairpieces without breaking into your savings. You can help by sharing why wigs are an essential part of your alopecia journey.

How to help:

On March 10th, join CANAAF on Instagram as we #wigitproud for International Wig Day (IWD) and

  • Post a selfie in your favourite wig
  • In the caption, share how wigs have helped you to manage your alopecia
  • Use the hashtags #canaaf #internationalwigday #wigitproud
  • Tag a friend and challenge them to keep it going!

You can also send us your selfie and we’ll feature you on our social media.

As we continue forward along this path, keep an eye out for more ways to get involved. If you’d like to join our advocacy team, send us an email at

Mesinkovska, N., King, B., Mirmirani, P., Ko, J., & Cassella, J. (2020). Burden of illness in alopecia areata: A cross-sectional online survey study. Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings, 20(1).