Locate a Clinical Trial

Below are two ways to search for trials near you.

1. ClinicalTrials.gov

ClinicalTrials.gov is a comprehensive database of clinical trials around the world. It’s advanced filter options allow you to narrow your search down using a variety of different parameters such as age, sex, and trial phase.

CANAAF Tip: Click on the link above to be taken to the ClinicalTrials.gov homepage. Scroll down, and under “Find a Study“, select “Advanced Search“. We recommend entering the following information for the most relevant and current results:

Condition or Disease: Enter your specific type of alopecia if you know it, for example alopecia totalis rather than alopecia.

Other Terms: If you are looking for a specific treatment name or treatment type write it here. For instance, JAK-inhibitors, microneedling, CTP-543 etc. Some words may be spelled differently, (ex. “microneedling” v.s. “micro-needling“) but generally the search will show results for both.

Study Type: If you are only interested in clinical trials, select interventional studies. Observational studies are another type of research in which you provide info to researchers about living with a condition/disease to help them learn more about treatment outside a controlled setting. The last option, Expanded access is an option some studies have that lets those who cannot participate in a clinical trial access to a drug or treatment currently under study.

Your Age

Your Sex

Your Country: You can narrow the trial location to within a certain distance of your home depending on how far you are willing to travel.

Recruitment Status: Select Not yet recruiting and Recruiting to search for upcoming and current studies that you can enroll in. If you don’t, the results will also show completed, suspended, and terminated research. If you want to know what studies are currently underway, you can also select Active, not recruiting. However if they are already active, you have missed the chance to enroll as a participant.

2. Clinical Trials Ontario

Below you can search for clinical trials across Canada using the following clinical trial finder. The CTO Clinical Trials Finder is easy to use and includes the option to “subscribe” so that you will be updated with any new information matching your search criteria. Also, CTO has a detailed FAQS page that answers questions such as what a clinical trial is, what you should know, and how to participate.

Click on the icon below to be taken to the Clinical Trials Ontario (CTO) website. There you will find instructions on how to locate clinical trials near you.

Clinical Trial Common Terms

Medical interventionPrincipal investigatorEligibility criteriaProtocolInformed consentInstitutional Review Board (IRB)